Saturday, April 09, 2016

Top 10 Most Famous Indonesian Traditional Songs

Too often adult songs that played on TV and radio make the Indonesian folk songs are forgotten by us. This situation is making us like there is no nationalist spirit in Indonesian people.

But there is a way one of them is by providing information on traditional songs that 'had' Popular, and even still popular until the end of time for us, it is meant for us especially the children who did not know about the richness of our culture.

What is the difference of traditional songs and modern songs? The traditional songs will always be popular all the time, while modern songs as we hear the hustle and bustle only can stand one month. Prove it!

Indonesian folk songs are very diverse because of the many tribes in this country. In fact, with the diversity of the traditional song, Indonesia has often lived up to its name through various international choir competitions in the category of folklore.

Here are 10 of the most famous Indonesian traditional songs or folk songs in my version.

10. Jali-Jali

The traditional song from Jakarta which popularized by M. Sagi (often spelled M. Sjaugi) in 1942. The song was played using a violin at that time and finally become a Betawi folk song. In 1942, the song was sung in an interactive conversation way between woman and man.

The Quotation Lyrics:

Inilah dia sijali-jali
Lagunya enak, lagunya enak
Merdu sekali
Capek sedikit tidak peduli sayang
Asalkan tuan, asalkan tua
Senang di hati

9. Yamko Rambe Yamko

The song comes from Papua. This song is about war, which killing each other between nations. It is telling about the patriots who sacrificed their life to protect and defend our nation from imperialist. Although the tempo of the song seems carefree and happy, actually the meaning of the song is quite sad.

The Quotation Lyrics:
Hee yamko rambe yamko
Aronawa kombe
Hee yamko rambe yamko
Aronawa kombe
Teemi nokibe kubano ko bombe ko
Yu mano bungo awe ade

8. Tokecang

The song which is show happiness comes from West Java. The song is going more to be popular after it’s become a soundtrack for the children TV serial in the past. This song is actually a companion for a traditional game. Tokecang for some people are meant there is a gecko which eat nuts.

The Quotation Lyrics:
Tokecang tokecang bala gendir tosblong
Angeun kacang angeun kacang sapariuk kosong
Tokecang tokecang bala gendir tosblong
Angeun kacang angeun kacang sapariuk kosong

7. Si Patokaan

It is an ancient rhyme or poetry which gave from a Minahasa mother for his son who already get the puberty. And that’s the time for a child to earn his own living. The rhyme is mean that a mother really loves his son and don’t want to be left with their children. The song comes from Minahasa, North Sulawesi.

The Quotation Lyrics:
Sayang-sayang, Si Patokaan
Matego tego gorokan Sayang
Sayang-sayang, Si Patokaan
Matego tego gorokan Sayang

6. Gundul Pacul

The Song which comes from Central Java was reportedly made in the 1400’s by Sunan Kalijaga and friends who have a deep philosophical meaning. Gundul Pacul means that a true leader is not the one who was given a crown, but the one who was carrying a hoe for hoeing, and seeking prosperity for their people.

The Quotation Lyrics:
Gundul- gundul pacul cul gemblelengan.
nyunggi-nyunggi wakul kul gemblelengan
wakul ngglimpang segane dadi sak latar

5. Naik-Naik Ke Puncak Gunung

The Song comes from Maluku. It is telling a story about a trip to the mountain.

The Quotation Lyrics:
Naik naik ke puncak gunung
Tinggi tinggi sekali
Naik naik ke puncak gunung
Tinggi tinggi sekali

4. Injit-Injit Semut

The song also as well as a companion song for a traditional game which originally from Jambi. The game is simple, just pinch on back hand each other if one of the players cannot stand the pain going up and pinch the other one and so on and so on. But who is can stand of the pain and never going up to turn to pinch another one he is the winner.

The Quotation Lyrics:
Injit injit semut
Siapa sakit naik diatas
Injit injit semut walau sakit
Jangan dilepas

3. Cublak-cublak Suweng

The song comes from the East Java singer as a companion song to a traditional game that one of the players should prune and another player puts a finger to his back. The player who is prone should guess what finger that another player put on his back.

The Quotation Lyrics:
cublak cublak suweng
suwenge ting geletek
nganggo kepudung solek
tak ijo royo-royo
sopo gelem delekake
sir – sir pong ‘dele bodhong
sir – sir pong ‘dele bodhong
sir – sir pong ‘dele bodhong-dhong-dhong–dhong

2. Anak Kambing Saya

The song comes from ​​East Nusa Tenggara. This song is very interactive which like the first person give a question and then the second one answer that. This Folksong was modified to be a little bit modern for maintaining the live in children. Actually, there are many folk songs from NTT which as popular as it, but I don’t share it in this article.

The Quotation Lyrics:
Mana di mana anak kambing saya
Anak kambing tuan ada di pohon waru
Mana di mana jantung hati saya
Jantung hati tuan ada di kampung baru

1. Ampar-Ampar Pisang

The song comes from the province of South Kalimantan / South Kalimantan with its made by Hamiedan AC.

The content of the song ampar-ampar pisang tell about a banana that spread and be crowded with tiny little animals that can fly and pleased with the aroma of banana. This animal is known in Kalimantan people as Bari Bari. At the end of the song is told about the animal which scared by the children in the past (see the word "dikitip bidawang" meaning bitten by biawak some kind like big lizard). It seems the word dikitip bidawang it used to frighten children who liked to steal bananas or Rimpi cake, which is still in the process of drying.

The Quotation Lyrics:
Ampar-ampar pisang
Pisangku balum masak
Masak sabigi, dihurung bari-bari 2x
Masak sabigi, dihurung bari-bari 2x

How then guys? Is it the songs take you flash back into your childhood? You know what, although the songs are played rarely, but I still remember and enjoy it every time I hear the songs again. It is so many songs from this country and it is popular. So guys, be Proud to be an Indonesian

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