Thursday, April 07, 2016

Top 10 Greatest Inventors

10. Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847 in Scotland. Bell comes from an educated family. His father, Alexander Melville Bell is a psychologist and his grandfather Alexander Bell was a professor. Alexander was always interested in something related to sound. He had studied experiment with tuning fork and a magnet that produces sound. Alexander also had taught in a special school of the deaf in 1870. In 1875, along with his assistant named Thomas A Watson, Graham Bell made a tool that can recognize the voice. Together Waston, Bell attempted to create a means of communication with the conductor of the electric wave. Research conducted by using voice control and a magnet to deliver sound. Finally created a phone receiver and transmitter are shaped in the form of a thin black disk mounted in front of the electromagnet.

9. Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Ohio, USA. At school, he was always regarded as ignorant children. So he should be released from the school. Behind the assumption that, edison have succeeded in creating in 1000 the invention. The first objects created by edison is an electronic voice recorder. At the time, he just turned 21 years old. Unfortunately he never sold his work to the public. In 1877 he began seriously to make new findings. It creates a phonograph. The phonograph is a tool to play a recording. Edison's most famous invention is the bulb. Edison light bulb has developed technology in 1879. While Edison did not invent the light bulb first, but he managed to develop a more practical light. Therefore, the artificial light is suitable to be installed at home.

8. Henry Ford

Since the discovery of the car, the car can only be enjoyed by people who are really rich. Until one day Henry Ford sought to create sebuauh car that can be enjoyed by many people. Henry Ford also started manufacture Car massively. He was born on July 30, 1863 in the United States. Since the age of 16, he is already an expert in the field of machinery. In 1896, he was able to create his first car, and in 1903, he founded the car company Ford. At that time, the only car produced by individuals, so the price is very expensive. So Ford wants to make cars that can be produced by many. Consequences production car Ford has changed the lifestyle of the people, especially the American population. Besides it easier for people to travel, vehicle even this price is very low, thus making industry run more efficiently. T car is the first car launched by the company Ford. T car made in 1905, and is often called the Tin Lizzie. In an instant T car demand even higher. Between 1908 until 1927, one of the two cars made is a car T. With sturdy construction and a relatively cheap price, it is suitable for high society.

7. Samuel F.B Morse

Samuel finley Breese Morse was born on April 27, 1791, in Massachusetts, USA. Morse had always imagined can send a message to the whole world. He is actually not a scientist or technologist but he remains eager to realize his dream. Morse managed to create the first telegraph telegraph in 1835. It is run at New York University building where he taught as a teacher seni. Sothey do not have the money, make a Morse telegraph from scrap materials. In addition to inventing the telegraph, Samuel Morse also will be remembered for discovering Morse code. Morse code is a system message in the form dot "." And the "-". Morse code can be sent through sound and light.

6. Joseph Nicephore Niepce

Joseph Nicéphore born on March 7, 1765 in France. People know him as the inventor of the photo and is a pioneer of photography. Niepce successfully made history by capturing the image in 1820. Niepce capable of recording images in the form of photos the first time in about 1926. The photos capture the sights that are around her neighborhood. For the picture recorded on the lead sheet coated with asphalt. Asphalt selected because if exposed to light will harden. To print a photo with a camera obskura, it takes a strong hand. then he is looking for new ways to make photos with lithography. In this way, the image is placed on a flat stone or plate. for this trial, he was assisted by his son. In addition to the photos, he also found Velociped in 1818. In addition, he also found that the combustion engine is an engine with the fuel system.

5. Alan Turing

Born with the full name of Alan Mathison Turing on July 23, 1912, he started the beginning of modern computer era. Beginning in 1945 to 1947 Alan Turing worked at the National Physical Laboratory. He tried to find a design of a computer model automatically. On February 19, 1946 Alan Turing describes in detail the computer storage program in his writings. But it was only on May 10, 1950 sestem computer recently launched Pilot acce. In 1948, when he berkeja in the math department, Manchester, he seeks to create an initial upload their software as a computer. The computer is called the 'Manchester Mark I'. For his services to the world of computers, many universities world reward him. One of them is a bronze statue of Alan Turing was opened to the public June 23, 1001 in Sackville Park, Manchester.

4. Philo Taylor Farnsworth

One of the inventors who made us grateful for is the inventor of television. Philo Taylor Fransworth is the first person who managed to find a television. Fransworth born in America on 16 August 1906. Before finding television, Farnsworth was very interested in the world is the success he elektronik. Only fix the phone so that it can be used to communicate with his brother abroad. In addition, there are many discoveries are still disimpin in the attic. In fact recorded not only Fransworth that produces television with wave elekttromagnet. Among them was Alexander Bain, Paul Nipkow, Karl Ferdinand Braun, and John Logie Braid. Television's first successful artificial Fransworth shown to the media on September 1, 1928. As of August 25, 1934, Fransworth managed to show their trial for airing a television show directly to all the public.

3. Richard Trevithick

Richard Trevithick was a mining expert and inventor of the UK. Trevithick was born on April 13, 1771. Trvithick is the first to successfully build a steam train. In addition, he also built an iron rail trains are running. Since the age of 19 years, Trevithick had worked in the mines. Therefore at that time many mines use a steam engine, Trevithick interested in studying the steam engine. He also got a job as an assembler of the steam engine. The steam engines used in mining to pump water out of the mine. In 1803, Trevithick make a steam engine that is used to pull a cart machine. The machine can be moved with the help of an iron rail. If using wood, this will cause the steam engine will be more easily damaged than using iron. Catch-Me-Who-Can is the first steam locomotive made in Trevithick. This train was made in 1808. The train is also able to move up to speeds of 20km / h.

2. Kirkpatrick Mac Millan

Kirkpatrick Macmillan was born on 2 September 1812 in Dumfries-shire, Scotland. He was a blacksmith's son. Mac Millan is famous for his creation of the two-wheeled bicycle. Bicycle is the development of a 'hobby horse'. Hobby Horse is an early form of the bike, but without footing for paddling gear and move the bike. When the Mac Millan dreaming if, if he could ride his bike without having to tread on the ground. Although considered crazy, but she was trying to realize his dream. The first bike made in Macmillan is much simpler than a bike now. Mac-made bike much heavier counted, because the wheels are made of wood coated with iron. So the driver must push first.

The first experiment was conducted by Macmillan is very surprising, because a local newspaper wrote Dumfries-shire shocking news. "A man driving home Dumfries-shire 'Velociped' with an odd shape" the paper also announced that Mac Millan hit a little girl with her bike.

1. Johannes Gutenberg

Johannes Gutenberg was a miner, who was born 1398 in Mainz, Germany. Johannes Gutenberg was the first to succeed in making the printing press and change the old-fashioned way of making books. In 1438, Gutenberg made printing machine is simple by using only a metal rod carved letters. Letter from the trunks are then compiled and added to a paint and then be printed to paper.

The book results from the famous Gutenberg printing press was the Bible. The book organized into 42 lines per page. Book created in 1455, to the decorations are still made by hand.

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